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The owl art and text were created as thirteen different files that I worked on in Adobe Illustrator. I gradually built each piece, saving them as individual files before importing them into Photoshop. I adjusted the time on each frame, slowing the gif down as the file progressed.


Micah Stampley is the artist that wrote the song entitled, “Heaven On Earth”. This particular line from the song is a great representation of what this mime team is doing. We are marching in unity.

For the quote I chose to use the font Eurostile Bold. The words in purple are set with opacity of 50 percent. I wanted them to stand out, but not be over powering. The main effects used were text stroke to “To our community,” and an outer glow to authors name. The stroke effect allows the one line of text to rest on top of another letter, giving a cut out feel in the letter Y.

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